Seminaries, congressen en cursussen (één of meerdere dagen)
- Sindhoor Pangal – Lessons learned from free living dogs and it’s relevance to wellbeing door – juni 2024
- VDG congres “What did you expect?”: De rol van verwachtingen in en rond diergedrag – maart 2024
- The Aggression in Dogs Conference – september 2023
- Trauma in Animals Conference – juli 2023
- The Aggression in Dogs Conference – oktober 2022
- Trauma in Animals Conference – juli 2022
- Body & Balance instructeur door Kate&Dogs – 2022-2023
- The Aggression in Dogs Conference – oktober 2021
- Friendly with Dogs Congress – september 2021
- Deep Dive: A neurobiological discussion of dog-directed aggression door Behavior Vets– juni 2021
- Aggression in dogs: defensive handling and training door Michael Shikashio en Trish McMillan – juni 2021
- The Lemonade Conference – mei 2021
- Puppy Power door Amber Batson – februari-mei 2021
- Happy Cats bootcamp Pro door Anneleen Bru – februari 2021
- Cavorting canines: how exercise affects the body and the brain of the dog door Amber Batson en The Slow Dog Movement – December 2020
- Deep dive: sensory information door Behavior Vets – november 2020
- Conference Unleashed door Leslie McDevitt en anderen – oktober 2020
- Basisbegeleider Hersenwerk voor Honden door Els Hoskens – september 2020
- Happy Cats Bootcamp door Anneleen Bru – augustus 2020
- Seminarie: spel tussen honden door Carl Grooteboer en Eva Lambrecht (bij Kynologisch collectief) – november 2019
- IDTE symposium door Freedogz – april 2019
- Friendly with dogs congres – september 2018
- 2daags seminarie: Empowered Socialization: BAT for Dog Aggression, Frustration, and Fear door Grisha Stewart – juni 2018
- Fitness training: basis door Inge Dillen (bij Hondensportcentrum LADO) – november-december 2017
Jaarlijks overzicht lezingen en webinars
- Gedragsproblemen – mentaal of (fy)ziek?Praktische handvaten voor wanneer de grenzen vervagen door Tiny De Keuster (VDG)
- The power of choice and predictability – how a pet’s freedom leads to more control door Karolina Westlund (VDG)
- Dogs & storks webinar door Familypaws
- Fenzi Dog Sport Academy 6 week courses:
- Weave pole training: not your average 2×2’s! door Megan Foster
- Applied Behavior Analysis – Three Part Series door Behavior Vets
- Snuffeltuin voor je hond maken door Birgitta Geerlings-Wensveen
- ‘Double your Scents! Two Days of Serious Sniffing Fun’ with Anne Lill Kvam door The Slow Dog Movement
- Seminar: Honden uit het buitenland door Kenniscentrum Argos met Christine Piek, Suze Steenbergen en Monique Bladder
- Fenzi Dog Sport Academy workshops:
- Agility Jumping Skills door Megan Foster
- Tug: How to Create Confident, Focused Tugging! door Shade Whitesel
- People Are Boring: Convincing your social butterfly to ignore door Sara Brueske
- Agility jumping skills door Megan Foster
- Happy pills door Kathy Sdao
- Fenzi Dog Sport Academy 6 week courses:
- Management for reactive dogs door Amy Cook
- Agility handler mechanics door Megan Foster
- Smooth mooves: adding the dog to your agility handler mechanics door Megan Foster
- The association of pet behaviour counsellors (APBC):
- The Power Of Play… With Animals door Risë Van Fleet
- Grisha Stewart Dog School:
- Predation Substitute Training Webinar: New Ways to Manage Predatory Chasing door Simone Müller
- Dog-dog aggression cases door Michael Shikashio
- Dog-human aggression cases door Michael Shikashio
- Why animals need trainers to adhere to the least intrusive principal door Susan Friedman
- Microsigns dog body language webinar: would you have noticed? door Katrien Lismont
Doggie Language (Round 1): Panel Discussion on Lili Chin’s book door Kathy Sdao, Chirag Patel, & Grisha Stewart
- Fenzi Dog Sport Academy webinars:
- Silence is Golden door Leslie McDevitt
- Success with Sensitive Dogs door Helene Lawler
- Fenzi Dog Sport Academy workshops:
- It’s All About the Rewards – Using Placement of Reward to Your Advantage door Nicole Wiebusch
- Loopy Listening: Eliminate shutting down or over-arousal problems…without more training! door Helene Lawler
- Ring Entrances – Train Your Dog to Happily Leave Rewards Outside the Agility or Obedience Ring door Nancy Gagliardi Little
- Transforming Triggers into Cues door Kathy Sdao
- Fenzi Dog Sport Academy 6 week courses:
- Worked up door Sarah Stremming
- Stand with me door Laura Waudby
- Jumping Gymnastics door Sarah Stremming en Leslie Eide
- The association of pet behaviour counsellors (APBC):
- Business and Behaviour door Veronica Boutelle
- Understanding the ethology of the domestic cat when treating behaviour problems door Lucy Hoile
- Social Pain in Dogs door Frank McMillan
- Grisha Stewart Dog School
- Effort-less Dog Walking: New Innovations in BAT Leash Skills
- BAT Empowerment video series
- Urban BAT Webinar: Empowerment and Survival Skills for City Dogs with Reactivity
- Puppy Culture: The powerful first 12 weeks
- Work with dogs 14 day challenge door Absolute dogs
- XL-lezing over stress bij honden door Petra Driesen (bij Instinctief)
- De connectiemethode door Geert de Bolster
- Hoogrisico honden op de hondenschool door Hans Schnock (bij Happy Tail)
- Titeren?! door Tannetje Koning (bij Instinctief)
- Feiten en fabels over hondenvoeding door Lotte Botter (bij Instinctief)